Busy is another word for it...posting here just keeps getting put on the back burner.
I guess I need to start some musings or something like that. Between Bible study, work, and a lot of promises I've been too busy to think about much else. Not that I'm complaining because each of these are good things. Here's a little of how life is going:
First, the Bible study -- which isn't really Bible study but rather a book study. Right now we are working on the Colson/Pearsey book How Now Do I Live. Now that's cause for a lot of musing! One of the most exciting things has been that Dave is joining us. It's a small class, only four of us. The book is awesome & extremely thought-provoking.
Oops, more later...just got a call & I need to leave...see, I told you it was busy here!
Okay, here we go again -- back to the Bible / Book Study.
It is cause for much deep thinking, like: Where do I come from? What is my purpose in life? What is my worldview? How can I share my beliefs with others? Can I really explain my beliefs intelligently? When someone starts throwing out things like evolution & "it's just a crutch" what do I say. When they start quoting facts & figures against God as Creator, how do I respond? Is my faith deep enough to withstand this sort of regime?
I think that Christians have been so busy doing what they think God wants them to do that they have gotten lost in their own little worlds. One day I woke up from my "little world" to find someone asking me why in the world do you believe that? And I didn't know what to say!
Then there is my question of ethics in our country today. My real desire when I was searching for new material for our group was to find something that would address the problem of unethical actions. I feel this is a very widespread problem & a real threat to the people of the United State & of the world. The problem is found everywhere...in politics, in business practices, in school, in factories, & even in churches...no one is immune from the thought that "if it doesn't hurt anyone, then it must be okay." (And there are a lot more phrases like this that end up being questionable as far as ethics are concerned.) It's such a "me" era that we can hardly see beyond the ends of our noses. People don't look at the rippling that occurs; they don't take responsibility for their actions.
Let me advise you to read Colson & Pearsey's book. You will truly be amazed.
It's kind of strange the way the Lord led me to this book. I picked up several books that I was considering a couple of years ago, including one called How Now Shall We Live? The only problem with that one was that it was just the questions, I didn't have the book. So I went back to the books store & ordered the book that went with it. I was sold, this was the one that I really wanted to use. But it wasn't meant to be at that time. I read most of the book & set it aside to work on the one we did use. Later I picked it up again to finish reading it. Then I thought I need to go back to the beginning, there were a lot of good things in it. So I read it from cover to cover. Now that we are actually using the book & workbook in our weekly sessions, I'm reading it again. Answering the questions & often times reading it one more time just before we meet. And I'm learning that I'm not naive because I believe in God. Science supports the creation theory of an intelligent designer, maybe even more strongly than it does evolution. And I could keep going on and on. I'm learning how to stand up for my beliefs. PTL!!!