Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras

Happy Mardi Gras -- I'm in a rambling mode so watch out!
Mardi Gras is not something I have ever celebrated personally, but it's fun to think about all the festivities that are planned. Yet in some ways I wonder; is it too indulgent? Shouldn't we try more to be Christ-like all the time and not have to think about giving something up just because it's Lent? I guess maybe if I look at it as fasting during Lent, then I am denying myself something that I enjoy to remind myself what Christ gave up for me -- His very life! Then again, perhaps giving up His life here on earth wasn't the real sacrifice was it? How much more of a sacrifice was it for Him to give up His place in heaven to come to earth? To have to go through the birth as an infant; to live the lowly life that He endured; to be mocked and hung on the cross; that was all a sacrifice. Sure the death was one of pain & sorrow, but to me the real sacrifice of Christ's life was His giving up heaven for those 33 years He walked among us.

My prayer list keeps growing and growing. Remembering Norm and his continuing battle with cancer; also Steve and Jo's friend; there's Roger who is just now coming out of his catherization procedure; and Betsy who is battling cancer with her aggressive treatments far from home; Belle's FIL who is nearing his last days; Conda's daughter who is taking an exam that could have a huge impact on her future.

It also seems kind of strange not to be counting the birds in our backyard since the GBBC is complete. It was amazing to see the number of birds that were counted in North America since last Friday -- over 10 million & how many participants there were -- over 75,000.

I missed oned fantastic photo-op yesterday. A huge Cooper's Hawk sat posing on our birdfeeder and my camera was between us. It's by my side now, I'll be more careful not to leave it too far away from now on! But I did get a few really awesome shots, at least for me they were awesome. And to see the bluebirds checking out the new bluebird houses that we put up last week was a big thrill.
Here's a couple of the best ones:

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