Monday, March 12, 2012

First Tornado Watch of the Season

The tornado season has started. Actually it started in southern Indiana a few weeks ago. That was so fresh on my mind this evening it got me thinking about sitting in the basement when the kids were young. It made me think about how Andy would get so upset that he would actually make himself sick. It made me think about the Psalm Sunday tornadoes when I was in high school. We weren't hit as bad as west of us, but there was a lot of damage, power outages for three days, and 22 deaths in the county. When I think on these things, it can bring fear into my heart. But there's no room for fear for God has filled all those areas with His peace. So when fear starts to enter & bubble up, I turn to God. I take His hand & let Him calm me down.
The storms have passed for now. I know that God is with me & will keep me safe no matter what comes tomorrow or the tomorrow after that. Thank you Lord!

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