Monday, May 21, 2012

Journaling Prompt - Doodling

Doodling is a form of meditation.
I used to doodle all the time back when I was in school -- first I remember the arrow tracks I used to do around my school notes. Then there were the flames later on. When I doodled with my Bamboo Tablet this evening I was planning on doing some of each of these, which I did do. But the flames reminded me that next Sunday is Pentecost. That made me think about God & His beautiful creation. And further, that reminded me of flowers & how I used to always draw daisies.
So doodling, did help me meditate on my creator....

And today we re-declared war on the raccoon(s) that has (have) been invading our backyard. A very long time ago we started bringing in the suet blocks inside every night. Then a few weeks ago he started getting into the bird feeder, so we started scooping the seeds out of there every night too. This week he went even farther and started getting into the oriole feeder, eating the jelly & knocking down the oriole & hummingbird nectar feeders as well as knocking down the birdbath. A couple of nights ago he was up in the bird feeder. He scared me & I scared him! Last night was the final straw - he came up on the porch & knocked over the potted plants. He's even gotten so bold that he has shown up before dark a few times & I got this photo of him under the bird feeder:

I found & ordered something that is supposed to help. If that doesn't work I'm afraid that Dave may be sitting out back in the evening with his rifle. Will see first if this helps. As for this evening, everything is in the garage & the potted plants are down on the ground instead of on their stands, at least they can't tip into the ones below them.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Journaling Prompt - Experience

The experience of sitting in quiet will bring oneness.

Ah, quiet. That's how I sometimes feel after all the kids are over & have gone home. Don't get me wrong, we love having them visit, but it's also good to hear the quiet when they leave.
And then there's the quiet of sitting out back watching the birds. Which sometimes isn't so quiet! In fact sometimes it's downright deafening. When they stop their chirping/singing/cawing or whatever the quiet is so loud! Especially if there's no traffic for a little bit on the highway.
Sitting in quiet does absolutely bring oneness with God. It's so good to be still and listen. Sometimes He will speak to me through the quiet. Other times He speaks with a loud and booming voice. Right now it is very quiet in the house. The birds are quiet & there doesn't seem to be much traffic. It is so peaceful. And peace is what I'm needing right now. Thank you Lord! Thank you for being near & thank you for the moments of quiet.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Journal Prompt - Transitions

My prompt for today says: " transition will come when I ___."

Right at the moment the only transition that I want to happen is for Dave to get out of his funk. The depression is better for a while & then all of a sudden something sets him off & it's worse than ever. I'm not sure that there is anything I can do to make this transition happen other than be there when he wants to talk. Depression can be so very tricky. But with God's help we will get through it and back to normal. It will take a few days, maybe weeks. It didn't happen overnight & it won't correct itself overnight.

The other transition that I'm having take place right now is that two of my big projects are completed. Now I have to set my priorities. First will be getting things ready for Mom's garage/estate sale set for Memorial Day weekend. Fritz & Diane have done so much already (thanks guys!) This is rather complicated because I also need to do some sorting here. I'll have some things to include in the sale. Sure hoping that the weather will be cooperative for nice days & that there will be lots of people out looking for bargains. I'm not big on garage sales, and I'm not at all sure this is the way we should have proceeded. But we'll get it accomplished. I do think perhaps we will soon have an offer on the house though! YAY!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Journaling Prompt - Distortion

The distortion of light brings confusion to me.
That is what my journaling prompt said for today.

After finishing up my DAR scrapbook and having the Genealogical Society & UMW program over with last night I am feeling a little bit of confusion this morning. Add to that Dave's problem with depression last night and this morning & I would definitely say that confusion seems to be a good word for today for both of us.
He has asked me to stay home from work today. Not a problem, I already have the bulletins finished & off to Pastor Jean for approval. If he falls asleep this morning, I'll probably run up & take the mail up to the church.
I'm not sure what triggered Dave's depression, but I'm  going to assume it is a number of things. However I will say that even through my business of the last few days I have seen it coming. It's so easy to deny when this happens; or to think that I'm imagining it. Yesterday he forgot to take his morning medicine which didn't help matters at all. Then last night he went to his first meeting as a church trustee. Not a good combination at all. Meetings in general are difficult for him. Then add our study of Spiritual Gifts -- he keeps saying that he doesn't have any, I keep telling him he does! And the Bible also says that God gives Spiritual Gifts to everyone. I'm praying right now that the medication he has taken today will help him & he will be able to go to class today. I really think that satan is trying very hard to discourage him because God has so many great things for him to do. Saturday night he is supposed to talk to the kids at the Coconut Hut and that may be working on him as well. Or maybe what he has to say to them is something satan doesn't want the kids to hear because it may make a difference in someones life and turn them on to Jesus. I know satan doesn't want that to happen!
I'm just sort of rambling here -- and praying at the same time. If you read this, please pray for Dave.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Journaling Prompt - Rest

After a long day, I am ready for rest. It's really not been a busy day, and it's just after lunch, but I am ready for a rest. I was sorry to miss Jenny's first campaign parade, but I didn't miss fighting the crowds in Shipshewana.
I have done my daily study for our class and made a scrapbook page --

Today is National Scrapbooking Day, so there's lots of special chats & challenges going on at most of the websites I frequent. This one was for a challenge at Scrap Girls. Now I'm waiting to play bingo at Gotta Pixel later this afternoon -- unless I take a nap & sleep through it. Not in a very chatty mood today, but I'll join in some of the chats this evening I'm sure. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Prompt - Happily

Today we are to be "Happily Journaling About ____"
I'm continuing to get hung up on my last post about "Still."  I need to slow down & be still. It's been totally amazing how many things God has put in my path this week about being still...the In Touch devotional by Charles Stanley had one this week; I jotted down Psalm 46:10 several times this week "Be still and know that I am God"; this morning's GodVine message I was reminded about being still; and now just before I started journaling here I read Dawn's ezine where she talked about living for today and how we so often are more worried about what's going to happen tomorrow that we forget to thank God for today. So I am happily journaling about what a wonderful relaxing day it is today; praising God for giving me eyes to see and ears to hear the birds that are in a flurry in the backyard - for taking time to just enjoy His wonderful creation. And I'm also praising Him for giving me the strength to accomplish all the chores that I've gotten finished this week. It seems as if a burden has been lifted -- as if there is a light at the end of the tunnel of my many tasks which I need to complete. I'm not saying that the list is completed, but He has given me the perseverance to stay with the projects I've started and see them to completion.
Sure I'll set new goals for tomorrow. Sure I'll have new adventures to explore. Sure there will be more projects, in fact there are already many projects on my table, but they will be accomplished in due time. And I'll enjoy God's creation and His company as we walk down this road.
My newest endeavor is a study with Pastor Jean to discover my spiritual gifts. We all have at least one. I've done this before, but it's been a long time ago & I'm not sure what I discovered before. I'm open to what God has in store for me now. I will go hand in hand with Him leading and me following. PTL!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Journal Prompt - Stillness

The Lord is really speaking to me with this word today. I must really need it a lot! Not only is it the next in line on my journal prompts (which I'm about 3 or 4 weeks behind on) but it was also part of my devotional this morning.
When I got up this morning I remembered that today is the Retired Teachers luncheon at our church. I had told Yvonne that I'd be there to help. And I'd bring two pies. Oh my, I have to bake two pies before lunch. But wait! Fritz & I are taking Mom to Ft. Wayne for her eye doctor appointment at 1:00. We need to leave in the middle of Mom's lunch, so instead we're going to go down early & take her out to lunch. Need to leave her place at 10:30. Hmmm, how in the world is that going to work?
What to do? What to do? Be still & know that I am God. Listen, I'll work it all out.
Dave volunteered to run to the grocery store -- mind you there's none in town, we have to go either north six miles or south six miles to get to one. Thank you Dave & Marie Callender! While he's gone I get everything ready to pop the pies in the oven & then fix our breakfast. The pies are cooling, I've had my shower, talked to Yvonne to let her know that I can't help at the luncheon. All no problems. Thank you Lord!
I even have 15 minutes left to journal about being still. And I'm feeling calm about the whole matter. Not so when I first realized what I had done. God really does work everything out. And give you peace in the process. Thank you Lord.