The Lord is really speaking to me with this word today. I must really need it a lot! Not only is it the next in line on my journal prompts (which I'm about 3 or 4 weeks behind on) but it was also part of my devotional this morning.
When I got up this morning I remembered that today is the Retired Teachers luncheon at our church. I had told Yvonne that I'd be there to help. And I'd bring two pies. Oh my, I have to bake two pies before lunch. But wait! Fritz & I are taking Mom to Ft. Wayne for her eye doctor appointment at 1:00. We need to leave in the middle of Mom's lunch, so instead we're going to go down early & take her out to lunch. Need to leave her place at 10:30. Hmmm, how in the world is that going to work?
What to do? What to do? Be still & know that I am God. Listen, I'll work it all out.
Dave volunteered to run to the grocery store -- mind you there's none in town, we have to go either north six miles or south six miles to get to one. Thank you Dave & Marie Callender! While he's gone I get everything ready to pop the pies in the oven & then fix our breakfast. The pies are cooling, I've had my shower, talked to Yvonne to let her know that I can't help at the luncheon. All no problems. Thank you Lord!
I even have 15 minutes left to journal about being still. And I'm feeling calm about the whole matter. Not so when I first realized what I had done. God really does work everything out. And give you peace in the process. Thank you Lord.
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