Sunday, March 10, 2013

Topical Tuesdays

I really struggled with Barbara's latest Topical Tuesday word "Covet". I had to research the word to see exactly what it meant because I just wasn't sure. Yes, I know - the Lord commands us to "Not covet thy neighbors..." , but is it okay to covet things like a better prayer life; more devotion to my God; a closer walk with God? What about coveting joy?  And peace? 
So when I looked it up in the dictionary I found three definitions:
Used with an object -
1. to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others
2. to wish for, especially eagerly
Used without an object
3. to have an inordinate or wrongful desire
I'm sure the commandment was directly referring to #1 and #3. And my questions refer to #2.
Here's the scrapbook page that I made pondering the word covet:

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