Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day One in Whispers of Hope

Over at Dawn's blog (Enthusiastically Dawn) I have been challenged to join in a 70-day journey on Whispers of Hope. We are using Beth Moore's book of the same title to enter a journey in our faith walk with Christ. I have been hesitant to get start, in fact I'm five days behind everyone else. I'm not sure if I'm fearful, if I'm just letting my procrastination get the best of me; or if satan is working hard to keep me from this. In other words, I'm just not sure what is going on. Today I'm taking my first step on this journey. I know not what to expect & I know that it is scary. But I know that the Holy Spirit is with me all the way; I know that where He leads me I will follow. I feel His presence as I go and that is good.
While I was getting ready to write an entry in this blog of mine I laid my eyes on a post by Kathy in our Face Book group, it is a quote by Joyce Meyer:  "Quitting is not an option for the confident woman. She must decide what she wants to do and make up her mind that she will finish her course." Lord, I need to be that confident woman that Joyce writes about. I want to be that confident woman! I beg of you to take my hand & be my guide. Open my ears to your whispers of hope.

After reading & journaling the first chapter, I went to Photoshop & did a scrapbooking layout for another way that I journal. I don't know if I'll do one every day, but when we're done with the book, I hope to have a faithbook ready to print of my layouts.


Anne-Marie said...
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Anne-Marie said...

Ann, I really enjoyed reading about your hesitation to take part in this challenge.
Your digital page is very inspiring.
I have just been reading your profile over at Scrap Girls and wanted to let you know I enjoyed reading all that you shared.
You might enjoy taking part in a challenge I do with Patter Cross: .

God Bless You

enthusiastically, dawn said...

This is beautiful, I am sorry I missed it initially!