Monday, December 17, 2012

Sad News/Glad News

You've heard that when God closes a window, He opens a door?
Well earlier this week I got a message from Barbara at Precepts & Promises that she is closing her store & going to work full time. So my time on her Creative Team is over. It has been a real pleasure designing layouts for her.
The good news is that Anmarie of ABCreations at had been encouraging me to apply for the CT at Wilma4Ever. I decided to go ahead and apply -- today I got word that I have been accepted there. So I end the year with new opportunities.
W4E is a relatively new scrapbooking website. I've been a member there for a little over a year, but not a very active one until the last month. Their monthly Speed Scraps & Bingo chats are what drew me in & kept me going back. They have a very nice variety of monthly challenges, 13 for December. Plus they have nice participation gifts.
Here's a couple I've done this week:


Be watching for more W4E LOs!

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Both are lovely layouts, Ann. Now I recognize you as this is the same pic I've seen of you before on FY site.
Congratulations on the new design job for W4E. Someday, when I'm not doing so much with kids maybe I"ll try something like that too.

God bless and Merry Christmas,
Coleen in Ukraine