Sunday, August 11, 2013

Let's dance!

Do you like to dance? It's not something that I do personally, but there are times when I feel like my inner self is dancing; like when I see a beautiful sunset; like when I feel God near to me; like when I step outside at night & hear an owl's "who-who"; like when I am in awe of the birth of a new grandson -- yes, there's many times I feel like I'm dancing.
But what about times that you don't want to happen? What about when you are angry with yourself for doing something stupid? What about when you get a call in the middle of the night with the news that your son has died? What about during the storms in your life? Do you still feel like dancing?
Yesterday I ran across this quote by Vivian Greene: "Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain!" And that my friend is called trust & hope & faith; faith that God is in control and that He will work all things out for good if we trust Him.
That quote inspired me to do this scrapbook layout:

Think about it! Is your faith strong enough for you to dance in the rain?

1 comment:

enthusiastically, dawn said...

This page is beautiful. Your words, and heart as well. I wanted to stop by and thank you for your words over at Jen's Place (Finding Heaven) on my post. It breaks my heart for you to have lost your own young son. Your words blessed me, and I actually left a comment, but had problems with them taking- it was one of those weird google sign in mishaps! But I am glad I came by for a visit, as I love this post, too. My Pastor loves that quote and preached a whole message on that ...of course with the scriptural equal! Thank you for your portion here in the blogosphere...thank you for bearing your heart, for His glory and grace. In His Grace, Love, Dawn