Friday, April 13, 2012

Journal Prompt - Enlarging

I'm up-to-date with my prompts! Well, not really, but this one is for Friday -- two weeks ago. LOL
The whole prompt reads: Enlarging my world will bring more opportunities for service.
That has certainly been my world for 2012. When I look back on the first quarter of 2012 I stand in awe of how much enlarging has occurred in my world. And some shrinkage as well.
The Bible study group that I have been leading for a number of years has ceased for most of the year. We did do one on Romans, but have since been going to one at the church that our new pastor has been leading. It was a very thought-provoking book on Why? (More on that later) Then we took a break for Easter. What a glorious event in the life of the church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
The study at church was so well attended that Pastor Jean is going to do another session about discovering our spiritual gifts. Not enough time to squeeze in a study for our group, so we'll wait until after it is over. I do miss Dee & Barb joining Dave & I for our little group sessions. Planning on doing Ephesians next, whenever that might be.
Then there is the enlarging of my world to include being on the Design Team at Faithfully Yours. This has been a fun adventure & has really made me think lots about my faithbooking practices. And has expanded the way I scrapbook altogether. I found the website that gives these journaling prompts ( and have been using them here at my blog.
Another added activity is taking a month-long My Life; My Faith class this month at Another very thought-provoking walk for me. We do a page every week day from the assignments given by Barb. So far it has covered where & when our faith started and how it has grown. Yesterday was even about where we faltered. It is covering everything! Next week we will have a time to chat with other class members and Barb hinted that we will start working on where we are going in our walk with God.
And there's my being active on FaceBook. Not something that I really cared about before. But I've added a timeline on my FB page, joined two groups through FaithfullyYours and one through a friend at church. The one from church was first started by a couple of ladies who wanted to have someone to be accountable for in their weight-loss attempts. It has since enlarged to include others who want to be accountable for other things -- get busy & don't procrastinate is the theme and we're there to encourage one another. Very helpful! And it's all God-centered! In the word's of my friend Beverly (who has been gone from this world for several years now) "Thank you Lord! Praise you Jesus!" I'll always remember Beverly for saying that ALL the time!!!
Next week I'm going to do something that I haven't done in a while. I signed up to take a painting class with Carl Moser. It's been a couple of years since I've done this. But now that he's holding some classes right in town here I decided to try it again. Excited to get my hand on a paintbrush again. It's a fun way to get creative.
And now here's my page for today's assignment in My Life; My Faith:

I thank God for our son Andrew and all that he was able to do while he was with us in this world! God gives us many wonderful opportunities here on earth & my prayer is that I am able to recognize His will for my life & follow His plan for my life.
Thank you Lord! Praise you Jesus!

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