Saturday, March 31, 2012

Journaling Post - Empty

I think my quiet time from the last post is finished. Actually that's not true; I've been avoiding the next prompt on my list -- I need to empty my soul of anger.

This one has been very frustrating for me. I know there must be some anger some place in my soul. All I seem to be finding is a little bit of frustration here and there. I decided that this must be good; God is at work helping me to overcome anger, the Holy Spirit is guiding me to rid myself of old hurts & anger. I look back through my life & know that there have been times when I've been very angry; so angry that I'm sure my blood pressure was elevated! Now when I look back at those situation I can see where they led me & I'm in a much better place than I was then, than I would have been if I had taken the road where anger was leading. If it hadn't been for the incidents that caused the anger, I wouldn't have been able to move down a new path. I would guess that if there's anyone that I haven't truly forgiven it would be the one person that caused so much stress in Andy's life. Perhaps if she hadn't caused so much stress he would still be here with us. I used to cringe every time she called after he died; I used to delete any messages from her so I didn't even have to see her name in my email; sometimes I'd even put posts on his Face Book account so her posts didn't show when I opened it up -- I was even about to the point that I thought about blocking her posts. But I know she needs that outlet too to get over his death. I can't say that I'm angry with her now. Yes, I'm still annoyed with her, appalled even, but not angry. I am glad she's across the country from me & I don't have to run into her around town.
Maybe there is still anger there, but it is whisked away when I turn it over to God.
Maybe I'm deluding myself & there is anger in my soul that I don't recognize.
Can it be possible that for three days I've been trying to put my finger on something I'm angry about & not find anything? I wonder if satan snuck in this prompt to make us stirred up to anger; or maybe to give us a sense of false pride?
No, I'm going to give this one over to God & praise Him for the peace that He has given me. A peace that can come from only Him! Thank you God for Your loving mercy; for Your presence; for Your peace!

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