Saturday, March 17, 2012

Unseasonably Warm Weather

The weather has been so unusual this winter. Now with spring "officially" starting next Tuesday, one would think that we'd expect it to be like spring -- but it's not usually so. This year it appears to already be here! We've already been using the grill & enjoying sitting on the patio. It's so good to hear the birds & frogs and to enjoy God's beautiful world. Yesterday we took a drive over to the state grounds, it was so exciting to see some of the birds we don't see at home; the sand hill cranes, swans & coots (which I had never seen before).

Then there were those that we do see a lot around home, but I got some good pictures of them too:

And we stopped by the trout rearing station. Most of the pictures there were not so great, but will make good overlays for very interesting background papers to scrap with.  I did get this one of a big guy in there:

And one more -- the frogs have been deafening this year & I was so excited to be able to get a shot of one:

It's always so much fun to go see what's going on in God's world, there is so much to learn from stopping and taking a good look at what's happening, I'm going to enjoy this weather because you never know what tomorrow may bring.

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