Friday, March 23, 2012

More of the Rat-A-Tat-Tat -- A Duet Even!

Another exciting day in the birding world. We have been hearing the pileated woodpecker for about a week now; actually he makes quite an loud call & his rat-a-tat-tat is almost deafening. If you want to listen to it go here, scroll down listen -  When Dave spotted him yesterday it was thrilling. Today was even more thrilling because he was in a tree in the back yard...and there were two of them. I tried to get a photo of them, but didn't manage. I did get a poor quality shot of one of them (it was a rainy, dreary day - not good for using the camera.)

It is amazing to me to watch the birds that are here. When I think of the way nature works together I am in awe of the way that God created the universe & I thank Him for making me aware of what there is to watch & learn from. I have learned to keep my eyes & ears open; I have learned to pay attention to what the birds & critters are doing. And as I think on this, I work hard to keep my eyes & ears on my Lord for I have much to learn from Him.

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